Flash Fiction Challenge | #8PgChallenge

Writers! We want your stories to be part of the #8PgChallenge in Comic Book School. We have an anthology and will be publishing the work of some outstanding new and up-and-coming writers who want to contribute prose.

Flash Fiction Challenge

Here is another opportunity for writers and artists to create something for inclusion in the #8PageChallenge. @buddyscalera asked me to share this opportunity here, so I’m posting the details here for the community first, so here is the call. Please ask any questions in the thread.

What: Comic Book School invites writers to submit illuminated flash fiction pieces, which will be included in the #8PageChallenge anthology. Each story will run opposite a full-page illustration, drawn either by the writers themselves or by artists within the Comic Book School Community. Writers are encouraged to find artists on the create.comicbookschool.com message boards. The community will also attempt to pair interested artists with participating writers, although we cannot guarantee a match.

Word Count: 250-500 words

Genre: Open, all ages

Deadline and schedule: Revised Deadline: September 14th: draft, outline, or concept due to artist and to be posted on the message boards; Monday, September 21st: final story and art due.


1.Artists and writers are encouraged–but not required–to post additional updates on the message boards throughout the process.

2. Writers and artists who are participating in the 8 Page Challenge can work on one flash fiction piece as well, thus each artist or writer can contribute to one story in each genre.

Join the Flash Fiction Challenge in our Create@ComicBookSchool Forums:


Learn more about our 8-Page Challenge.