Want to know how comics are made? Well, look no further. Over the next couple of weeks and months, we’ll share the details on how we created a new superhero comic book series called “Mid-Life Crisis.”
My name is Buddy Scalera and my partner Andy Seabert and I have been working on “Mid-Life Crisis” for a few years now. We’ve had a few rough starts, but we finally have the superhero comic book we’ve always wanted. If you make comics, you may find these educational details helpful as you craft your own comic book stories.
Andy and I have printed a few sample copies, which are available at comic book conventions where we have a table. “Mid-Life Crisis” does not have a publisher yet.
Be sure to sign up for the free Comic Book School Newsletter for more updates and to be notified when we sign with a publisher.
“Mid-Life Crisis” #1 is now available on Comixology
Full Script by Buddy
Here’s the script for Mid-Life Crisis #1: crisis-plot-v1d_share.
I write full script and typically include a lot of detail in my page descriptions. In this particular case, Andy and I spent a lot of time discussing the page and panel breakdowns, so there’s slightly less description than I’d usually include.
Plus, as some of you may already know, this is the second attempt at creating Mid-Life Crisis #1. Andy and I created a complete first issue, which we printed and shared at New York Comicon 2014. The response was…underwhelming. So, we agreed to start over from scratch. I rewrote the complete script and Andy redrew the entire issue.
And here it is…
Page Thumbnails by Andy
Below are page some of the rough page breakdowns that Andy uses to develop the story.
Andy’s Rendered Pencils
Below are Andy Seabert‘s penciled pages. He pencils very tight, as you can see.
Inking the Pages by Gisela
Here are the inks by Gisela Pizzatto @gisapizzatto
Adding Colors to the Pages by Anang
Here are the colors by Anang Setyawan
The cover of a comic book is one of the most important parts of the entire creative process. In a future post, Andy and I will share exactly how those comic book cover concepts are shared, modified, and created.
In the meantime, don’t miss a thing in this behind-the-scenes series. Be sure to sign up for the making comics newsletter to stay up to date! Plus, be sure to check out Necrotic: Dead Flesh on a Living Body, another Comic Book School comic project.
Hope you like this. Let us know what you think in the comments below!
LEGAL STUFF: Mid-Life Crisis © 2013 Buddy Scalera and Andy Seabert. All rights reserved. All characters, their distinctive likenesses and related logos, and dialogue are property of Buddy Scalera and Andy Seabert. The stories, characters, and incidents featured in this publication are entirely fictional.
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