This is a full list of educational panels at New York Comicon 2021 (NYCC) by Buddy Scalera’s Comic Book School.
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Title: Building Relationships with Editors & Publishers
Description: Creating comics requires ongoing productive relationships with your editors and publishers. Start with a personalized professional strategy to manage your career and maintain a positive, mutually beneficial relationship with editors and publishers.
Date: Thursday, Oct 7
Time: 6:45 PM – 7:45 PM
Location: 408
- Host – Buddy Scalera, Comic Book School
- Lysa Hawkins – Editor, Valiant Entertainment
- Joseph Illidge – Executive Editor, Heavy Metal
- Darren Sanchez – Editor, Marvel Comics, After Hours Press
Friday, October 8, 2021
Title: Social Media Optimization for Comic Book Creators
Description: Tips, tricks, and technologies to connect with your audience, build your base, and sell your books. Also, how not to ruin your career in one tweet.
Date: Friday, Oct 8
Time: 3:45 PM – 4:45 PM
Location: 406.3
- Host – Buddy Scalera, Comic Book School
- RuthAnn Thompson, GeekChic Promotions, President
- Lisa Y. Wu, MOGO Impact, Founder
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Title: Page 1 Panel 1 (Comic Book Writing & Art Tutorial)
Description: An all-star cast of experienced, working comic book writers and artists talk about telling an effective story on the page. Learn about how real professional artists break down a script and thumbnail a page. Actual working pros show you how they determine the layout, the story flow, and specific panels from a real comic book script.
Date: Saturday, Oct 9
Time: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Location: 406.2
- Host – Buddy Scalera, Comic Book School
- Alisa Kwitney, writer DC Comics, Marvel Comics, AHOY Comics
- Jamal Igle, artist DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Substack
- Sean Chen, artist DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Valiant Comics
- Billy Tucci, writer artist, Crusade Fine Arts, Marvel Comics
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Title: Comics & Hollywood – What Creators Need to Know Now
Description: More comics are being turned into films, & creators have important questions about how Hollywood works. Practical, actionable information from top creators who have navigated the TV & movie business.
Date: Sunday, Oct 10
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: 406.1
- Host – Buddy Scalera, Comic Book School
- Fred Pierce – Valiant Entertainment, Publisher
- Axel Alsonso – AWA, Chief Creative Officer
- Lee Kramer – Aftershock Comics, President of Film and TV, Co-Founder
Check out the Creator Connections: Panel 2 anthology.