Comic Book Self-Publishing Cost Analysis Worksheet – Bonus

In the book, “Creating Comics from Start to Finish,” I wrote about my experiences publishing comic books through After Hours Press. I created a nice little P&L worksheet spreadsheet, which you may find useful budgeting the profit and losses of your own comic books.

P&L Worksheet for Self-publishers
Download Comic Cost Analysis Worksheet as Excel to Calculate Your P&L before Self-Publishing Your Comic Book

At the time, print publishing was the dominant form of publishing & self-publishing for comic book creators. So much of this sheet is structured for your printing, publishing, and distribution needs (primarily through Diamond Distribution). But you can still utilize the P&L worksheet to better analyze your comic book self publishing costs.

This is a free educational resource that I hope you utilize. If you want more information, please drop me a line. I am always happy to guide you through my spreadsheet. I’d be even happier if you read my entire book on the subject of comic book careers and breaking into the industry. Very happy.

If you click the image of the spreadsheet, you will download an Excel spreadsheet with many useful calculations. Don’t worry about the formulas and technical stuff. There’s an tutorial that will help you make it all work. Seriously, it’s really easy.

Basically, you plug in your numbers and the worksheet does the rest. It will tell you how many copies you have to sell before you break even or even make a profit. It’s a useful tool that has helped me as I self-published comic books. Please check out my book for a complete perspective on the comic book industry, how to break in, and how to survive as a working comic pro.

If you don’t have Excel and want to edit this online, you can access the Comic Cost Analysis Spreadsheet for free on Google Docs. It’s free and you can just play with the profit and loss calculations right here in your web browser.

If you find this sheet or anything here at Comic Book School, please spread the word. Share. Discuss. This is the best way to spread knowledge and education.

Oh, yeah, and please link to my site. Discussions at the Facebook Fan Page.

This is part of a series of Bonus Materials that I will be including on this site. You may want to check back or register for updates.


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